Friday 25 October 2013

5 Tips For Creating A Good Website For Your Business

A website can be created for a vast number of reasons to benefit your business; you may want to start selling your products online, get more enquiries or promote awareness of your cause.

As a web company, we’ve seen it all and can tell you from our experience that there are five things that apply to every good website that we’ve created:

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Clear Goals Keep Your Website Focussed

1.       Have Clear Goals

First thing’s first – if you don’t set out clear goals for your website, how do you expect it to achieve them? Be very clear with yourself (and your website company!) what you want your website to accomplish online. Do you want your website to bring more bookings for your hotel? Maybe you want it to generate more sales leads? Maybe you’re looking to sell more products online? Whatever it may be, be clear with your goals and a good web company should be able to advise on how you can best achieve them using the web.

Bearing in mind the goal (or goals) of your website should help you make good choices when making important decisions, on everything from design to build to promotion.

2.       Apply a Strategy to Achieve Those Goals

Once you have decided what your goals are, you will need to create a plan to make them happen. If you are happy to create your own web strategy – that’s great, however - we would always recommend running it by your web company before sending them detailed instructions, as they may have advice to offer and tools you may be unaware of that could help improve your plans and possibly take you in a different, more lucrative, direction.

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Websites Should Evolve And Improve
The other option is to pay a web company to create your strategy – although this can be a more expensive option, a good web company will be able to draw from a huge amount of experience in order to provide you with the best outcome possible, after all it is what they are trained at (and if they are as geeky as us, what they are passionate about!). Giving a web team the responsibility to work on improving your website for you, allows you to spend more time on what you’re passionate about – your business.

3.       Don’t be a Perfectionist

Once you’ve got your first draft strategy, you’ll need to work with your web team to get it up and running. Many web projects fail simply by never getting finished. If you have grandiose ideas of the perfect website (or if anyone is promising you this) stop right now – the perfect website does not exist.

Websites always have room for improvement and growth, just like any business does. The first thing you’ll put online is a first draft that will need to be built up and improved with time. You need something online before you can start measuring its successes or failures and addressing them, so although it is vital that your website works the way you want it to, remember to avoid delays on making ‘final’ decisions about the site – these won’t be your final decisions, just your first decisions.

A website that is 80% polished and online, is going to perform much better than one that is more polished but not available to the public. And as soon as you get your website online, the sooner you can improve it using real evidence rather than your best guesses.

4.       Measure the Success of Your Strategies

You’ve decided on your goals, created a strategy and put your website online – now what?

It is absolutely vital that you measure the outcomes of your strategies. There are plenty of tools
Measuring the Success Image
Don't Use Guesswork - Use The Facts
available on the web to do this (we use Google Analytics) and they can provide you with great insight into how well your website is working, showing you things like which pages people are leaving the website on and which pages people spend the most time on.

In this manner you (or your web analyst) will be able to tell where on your site things are working well and where on your site still has room for improvement. It also allows you to test out things that you aren’t sure about - for example, if you aren’t sure where to place your email address on your website, you can place it in the top right part of the page for a month and then move it to the top left part of the page for the next month and measure where was most effective. You no longer have to guess what your customer wants – you can test it and let them show you!

5.       React to Your Statistics

Many website owners have stats but either don’t know how to interpret them or don’t have the time to deal with them, yet it is so important to react to your statistics. If your stats are telling you that a page is performing poorly, you or your web developer need to make sure something is done to improve this – or there is no point in having statistics.
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All Stats And No Work Makes Websites Fail

Once you know which pages or parts of your website might not be performing to their best ability, you can react in a number of ways – changing designs, changing content or even just reshuffling elements of the page can have huge effects on reaching your goals.

Our motto is ‘keep testing, keep improving!’ (You can tell we are an exciting bunch).

Armed with these 5 things in mind, you should have everything you need to get started on a great website for your business. A good website requires a lot of work from a business owner and a web developer – but the hard work most definitely pays off!

Let us know if you have any other great tips in the comments below – or if you’ve used our tips to create good website, please link to it below and show it off!

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