Wednesday 19 November 2014

Online Marketing Jargon: What Are You On About?

There are 10 types of people. 

Those who understand binary and those who don't.

Geeky jokes generally have a lot of jargon! This one in particular will only be understood by those who know binary, and those people are usually programmers. 

The Matrix (2000 film) was made up of
binary 1s and 0s because it was a simulated

Joke Explanation: Binary is completely made up of just 1's and 0's, and in binary, the number 2 is written as '10'. 
So the first sentence essentially says 'There are two types of people..." Funny, eh?!

Jargon can creep into your everyday language without you even realising it. It doesn't just crop up in the office!

Loosely defined, jargon refers to any words used by a group of people that are difficult for others to understand. 

So if you bamboozle your granny when you talk about SEO and coding, then congratulations, you're a jargon-user! 

At Vital Hike recently, we discovered that not only do we have our own 'online marketing' jargon within the team... but we also each have our own individual words for certain things.

The humble text field brought this about. Or you may know it as one of the following;
  1. Field
  2. Input Field
  3. Text Input field
  4. Text Box
  5. Text Box Frame
We have designers, technical developers, writers, marketers and managers all with their own idea of what this simple little box is called... So we can only imagine how many variations of online marketing phrases exist outside of our office! 

Let us help you out with our own interpretations...

Top 3 Obscure Online Marketing Phrases

1. SEO

It had to be SEO, didn't it? Even when you expand it out, it isn't very self-explanatory; Search Engine Optimisation.

After staring at it for a few minutes, we can all puzzle out that 'search engine' means Google (or any of those other, lesser search engines), but what about this 'optimisation' bit? 

It's on a par with 'synergise' in terms of vagueness!

Vital Hike Definition: Search Engine Optimisation is the process of making a website more 'findable' on a search engine's results (either organic results or paid). 

There are a number of ways to accomplish this, but there are no hard and fast rules for conquering Google. Instead, there are around 200 potential factors that could make your website rank higher on Google. When we're carrying out SEO on your website, we try to identify which factor could make the most impact for you and use that as a starting point. 

Without SEO, websites are very hard to find on Google, so it is quite essential, especially for business websites that need to get found!

2. Wireframes

When we're creating a new website or even a single webpage, we usually start off the process with a wireframe. 

Vital Hike Definition: Primarily used in the planning stages of a website, wireframes are rough drawings of the website layout. They can be done with pencil and paper, or on programs like Moqups, and can range from being very detailed to very basic.

Wireframes are created to get an idea of the general page layout and to figure out what features a webpage needs, before getting the designers to start creating a more permanent version. 

Wireframes are often mistaken for Designs, but they are only a blueprint for the designer, who will smooth them out and jazz them up! 

3. Content

The content of a website is often thought to mean just the text, but it incorporates images and videos too. 

Vital Hike Definition: Content refers primarily to images and text (including text within tables/boxes) contained within the main body of your website. 

It also includes videos, but these are not as common. Content does not include menus at the top, but it does include page titles. 

Did that help or confuse you more?

What obscure phrases do your website or marketing team use? Post your jargon below and you might actually be doing us a favour - maybe we didn't realise it was confusing to begin with!

Website and Online Marketing
Jargon Busters

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