Monday 1 June 2015

Why no one cares what you’re saying – until you know who you’re talking to.

You can write as much content, make as many videos and tell as many stories of success as you like – but who is really listening? This week, we’re talking about target markets – and why knowing them could make or break your business.

Monday 25 May 2015

Choose Carefully: Images Can Make or Break Your Website

Tips and Advice on Choosing Imagery for your Business Website

When it comes to content, images are invaluable.

Images can inject some life into a text-heavy page and make it much more engaging for the user.

Posts to social media rack up significantly more shares if you just include a photo. In fact, in a recent study, 87% of shared Facebook posts have photos.

Image quality won’t affect your Google ranking. You could choose the cheesiest stock imagery, or a really blurry photo for your website and Google still won’t care. However, as one user points out in this Search Engine Land article, search is a means to an end. You may draw in users thanks to your high search ranking, but that’s all for nothing if they’re turned off by your poor quality images.

So what are your main options when it comes to images, and what impact does it have on your customers?

Wednesday 20 May 2015

5 Easy Steps to Make Time for Marketing Your Business

“I just don’t have any time left in my day!”

We hear it so often from our clients and trust me – we struggle with it ourselves! You know how important it is to grow your business, you know it isn't the case that you simply “build it and they will come” any more – but you just can’t seem to find the time! You’re dealing with emergencies and customers every day, along with managing staff and business admin and you’re barely fitting in lunch as it is – sound like you?

Well we’re hoping you can squeeze in a 5 minute article that could save you many hours in the future!

Friday 8 May 2015

Stop Putting it Off! Get Your Business on Social Media in 4 Easy Steps

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve probably spent some time wondering if social media is worth it.

And it’s understandable; a lot of businesses are reluctant to take that first step into the social media universe because it is notoriously difficult to quantify the value. One hour spent posting on Facebook, does not reliably result in major profit for your business.

But don’t be so quick to dismiss the potential benefits!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Online Marketing Jargon: What Are You On About?

There are 10 types of people. 

Those who understand binary and those who don't.

Geeky jokes generally have a lot of jargon! This one in particular will only be understood by those who know binary, and those people are usually programmers. 

The Matrix (2000 film) was made up of
binary 1s and 0s because it was a simulated

Joke Explanation: Binary is completely made up of just 1's and 0's, and in binary, the number 2 is written as '10'. 
So the first sentence essentially says 'There are two types of people..." Funny, eh?!

Jargon can creep into your everyday language without you even realising it. It doesn't just crop up in the office!

Loosely defined, jargon refers to any words used by a group of people that are difficult for others to understand. 

So if you bamboozle your granny when you talk about SEO and coding, then congratulations, you're a jargon-user! 

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