There is one deadly disease striking down online shops of
all shapes and sizes… SCA (Shopping Cart Abandonment)…
It can happen at any time, with seemingly no explanation.
One minute, your customer has the item in their shopping cart and everything
looks rosy, when suddenly… they up and leave the website! What went wrong?
With shopping cart abandonment rates at an average of 67% as of March 2014, this is not a phenomenon that can just be brushed
off. At its core, this signifies a failure in conversion. Your website should
be guiding customers through to a sale, and if they’re falling at the last
hurdle then it’s time for a new strategy!
Another potential cause of this is the psychology of online
shopping. No one is watching you, and no one will know if you just ditch your
shopping cart to go off and have your dinner; it’s very different to doing the
grocery shopping in a busy Tesco. If there’s no urgency to make the purchase, and no
consequences to leaving your cart, why spend your money at all?
In 2010, Forrester Research found that a massive 89% of
consumers had abandoned a shopping cart at least once. Why do they do this, and
how do we combat it?